When To Replace Your iPhone Battery?

Have you become used to your iPhone's subpar performance and accepted it as a necessary part of life? Is restarting your broken iPhone usual and ritual? Do you miss the days when your applications loaded quickly and you could watch YouTube videos until your battery was down to 5%? Nothing is more frustrating than a dead iPhone battery. However, while iPhones are amazing smartphones, they could be more well-known for their battery life, are they? This problem has finally been fixed on the iPhone 13. All iPhone 13 models have bigger batteries than their predecessors, resulting in longer battery life. However, batteries are still consumable hardware with a finite lifespan. They will eventually degrade to the point that you have no choice but to replace them. So, when will that be? When to replace the iPhone battery ? This guide will assist you in determining whether your iPhone's battery needs to be replaced and how to replace it. How To Replace Your iPhone Battery And How Much ...